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Аккорды к песне - "I Can" - Helloween

Аккорды к песне: Helloween - "I Can"

 ^Guitar 1 Muted w/Heavy Distortion

  ^Guitar 2 Strum Chords

 ^After awhile a 3rd guitar starts this riff.

 ^Final Riff in intro

^Listen to the cd for the timing for this riff.

*1/2 way through the verse the intro starts again without the 3rd guitar.

^Strum these before solo.

^This rings out at the end.

Аккорды к другим песням Helloween :

"A Tale That Wasnt Right"
"I Can"
"The Blues"
"The Time Of The Oath"
"Time Goes By"
"Your Turn"