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А  Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я 

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Аккорды к песне - "Street Spirit (Fade Out)" - RadioHead

Аккорды к песне: RadioHead - "Street Spirit (Fade Out)"

Куплет: Am C/H После этого Am (2 раза)
C C/H Am (Am - 2 раза)

Играется струна бас, затем полностью проигрывается



Первые две строчки каждого куплета дергается бас Am(5-0)
Вторые две - C/H(5-2)
В припеве, по очереди - С(5-3), С/H(5-2), Am(5-0) 

Вступление: бас Am + основа (4 раза)

Rows of houses all bearing down on me
I can feel their blue hands touching me
All these things is all positions
All these things will one day swallow whole
.....And fade out again fade out again

This machine will will not communicate
These thougts and the strain i am under
Be a world child form a circle
Before we all go under
.....And fade out again fade out again

Na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na
Na-na-na na-na-na

Cracked eggs dead birds
Scream as they fight for life
I can feel death can see it`s beady eyes
All these things is all positions
All these things will one day swallow whole
.....And fade out again fade out again

Na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na
Na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na na-na-na



Аккорды к другим песням RadioHead :

"Black Star"
"Bullet Proof"
"Exit Music"
"Fake Plastic Trees"
"I Will"
"Karma Police"
"Kid A"
"Killer Cars"
"No Surprises"
"Paranoid Android"
"Street Spirit (Fade Out)"
"Street Spirit"
"True Love Waits"
"You and Whose Army?"
"You Never Wash Up After Yourself"