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Сайт с текстами песен и аккордами самых известных музыкальных групп и певцов российской, а так же зарубежной эстрады.
Аккорды песенСписок исполнителей в алфавитном порядкеА  Б В Г Д Е Ё Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Э Ю Я  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z  Аккорды к песне: Foo Fighters - "Times Like These"Standard Tunning: EBGDAe D13 - x54505 D - xx0323 Am - x02210 use which ever on Am7 - x02213/ either Am or Am7 C - x32010 Em - 022000 use which ever one Em7 - 022033/ either Em or Em7 On the parts for Am and Em use the sevens whenever you feel necessary. it adds a little to the song. i think Dave Grohl uses the sevens. if you want to listen to the song has it as heard on Kevin and Bean show when Dave was on it. or download. Listen to song for timing and strumming (intro) D13 D Am I, I’m a one way motorway C Em D13 I’m the one that drives away, follows you back home D Am I, I’m a streetlight shining C Em D13 I’m a white light blinding bright, burning off and on (chorus) C Em D It’s times like these you learn to live again C Em D It’s times like these you give and give again C Em D It’s times like these you learn to love again C Em D13 It’s times like these time and time again D Am I, I’m a new day rising C Em D13 I’m a brand new sky that hangs stars upon tonight D Am I, I’m a little divided C Em D13 Do I stay or run away and leave it all behind (chorus) C Em D It’s times like these you learn to live again C Em D It’s times like these you give and give again C Em D It’s times like these you learn to love again C Em D It’s times like these time and time again (oh, oh, oh part) C...Em...D...C...Em...D C...Em...D...C...Em...D C...Em...D...D13 (chorus) C Em D It’s times like these you learn to live again C Em D It’s times like these you give and give again C Em D It’s times like these you learn to love again C Em D C It’s times like these time and time again Аккорды к другим песням Foo Fighters :"Big Me" "Times Like These" "Tired Of You" |