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Текст (слова) песни - Colitis Ulcerosa - Dead Infection

Текст (слова) песни: Dead Infection - Colitis Ulcerosa

Convulsive spasms make taking food impossible. Large intestine perforation
causes decease. Anatomised reveraibility of phlogistic and ulcerous
transitions increase. Unbearable agony refuses family condolences. Hospital
staff is helpless. A breathing body is undergone the final surgical
intervention. Its too late, anyway. An alien molecule floods entails and
burns his final breath. Bowels explosion. A compound of semi-digested food
flows from his mouth.

Другие песни Dead Infection:

  • Ambulance
  • Autophagia
  • Colitis Ulcerosa
  • Damaged Elevator
  • Fire In The Forest
  • From The Anatomical Deeps
  • Her Heart In Your Hands
  • Hospital
  • Incident At Corsica
  • Life Of A Surgeon
  • The Firing Ground
  • The Merry-Go-Round
  • Torn By The Lion Apart
  • Tragedy At The Railway Station