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Текст (слова) песни - Rambozo The Clown - Dead Kennedys

Текст (слова) песни: Dead Kennedys - Rambozo The Clown

Got a deadly toy
To brainwash your boy

An egocentric muscle thug
Kicks butt on screen like a brat outa hell
Bullshitter in the Indochina shop
Pull the string in his back, we win the war

That we never should have started at all

A cabbage patch terrorist to call our own
Who rewrites history with a machine gun
Dont think about it-KILL IT
Thats what we teach your child

RAMBOZO the Clown
To draft age kids
It sure looks like fun-
"Kill em all
And let God sort em out."
Like video games-no mess
Just fuel for a mass lapse of common sense
You can be Don Quixote
Well dice you with our windmill blades

Brawn over brain
Means a happy ending
G.I. Joe in the cereal bowl
Grey shrapnel-flavored chewing gum
Mass murder aint just painless
Now weve made it cute

RAMBOZO the Clown
War is sexy
War is fun
Iron Ego
Red Dawn
Be a wolverine. Youll rule the hills
Just get some guns and Cheerios
Any kid can conquer Libya
Just steal a fighter plane

Look who came home in a wheelchair
V.A. Hospital, they dont care
"Were the machine
Youre just a tool."
Who fell for the myth of Rambozo the Clown

Другие песни Dead Kennedys:

  • A Child And His Lawnmower
  • A Commercial
  • Anarchy For Sale
  • Buzzbomb From Pasadena
  • California Uber Alles
  • Cesspools In Eden
  • Chemical Warfare
  • Dear Abby
  • Do The Slag
  • Drug Me
  • Fleshdunce
  • Forward To Death
  • Funland At The Beach
  • Gone With My Wind
  • Holiday In Cambodia
  • Hop With The Jet Set
  • I Kill Children
  • I Spy
  • Ill In The Head
  • Insight
  • Kill The Poor
  • Kinky Sex Makes The World Go `Round
  • Let`s Lynch The Landford
  • Life Sentence
  • Macho Insecurity
  • Night Of The Living Rednecks
  • One Way Ticket To Pluto
  • Police Truck
  • Pull My Strings
  • Rambozo The Clown
  • Saturday Night Holocaust
  • Short Songs
  • Shrink
  • Stealing People Mail
  • Straight A`s
  • Take This Job And Shove It
  • The Great Wall
  • The Man With The Dogs
  • The Prey
  • Too Drunk To Fuck
  • Triumph of The Swill
  • Viva Las Vegas
  • When Ya Get Drafted
  • Your Emotions